How can i advertise that i can make flower arrangements?
Reply:You can use VistaPrint to get %26quot;free%26quot; (pay S%26amp;H only) business cards, magnets, postcards, etc.
Reply:Make some and put them on ebay.
Reply:Go to the office supply store and get a ream of multi colored paper. Design on a sheet of paper how and what it is that you offer. Do not put the cost you want for them to call you for the price. Once you get the design of your flier down. You go and find a copier and you put your paper in the tray and make your copies don%26#039;t do them all you may want to change the design. Next you go to the bridal shops and supermarkets. If you can try to make a book of the different arrangements that you have or can make. Hope this helps lots of luck.
Reply:not on here.
try, list it under the SERVICES section (NOT under the wedding chat board)
Reply:Make a bunch of fliers on the computer and then post them around town wherever you can....ask at stores if they will let you.genealogy mormon