Help: Twin kittens tearing up silk flower arrangements?Pet store spray solutions do not work.?
Reply:get a scratching post treated with catnip. they%26#039;ll prefer that over the flowers.
Reply:Orange peels are suppose to work. just remove them fromthe orange ans set out- they hold the scent for a long time as well so no need to change them that often.Works for dogs I know- I heard it was the remedy for cats though.
Reply:get water pistal hide it from the cats every time they go to distroy your flowers give them a quick squirt
. don%26#039;t let them see you do it because they have to associate the getting wet part with the flowers, not with you.
or else they will just wait until your not around before going back to the flowers
Reply:put the arrangements away for a few months,these are cats and they will do wotever the hell they wen they do be naughty just spray them with bit of water.or if they not destroying anything else let them have there own flowers but once destroyed they wil find something else.dont leave them to wander the house at nite wen ur in bed or at the shops or work,small cage is ok until they settle down,they playing thats all.enjoy
Reply:Place the silk flower arrangements where the cats cannot reach them. I had to hang all my houseplants from the ceiling. It actually works very well. My cats don%26#039;t even notice them! If you tried sprays then the only solution would be to place them out of the way until the cats are older... kittens love to get into everything :)
Reply:Take it from me- a longtime cat owner- the more they hear NO the more appealing the arrangements become.
Try getting them thier own arrangements to play with.
The fake flowers are the perfect cat toy- just be sure there%26#039;s nothing that could come off %26amp; choke them.
Then- put all of your own flower arrangements behind closed doors :)performing arts
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